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Learn how to make your apps interactive using buttons and text! In this course you'll learn the basics of the Java programming language and how to apply them to Android.
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    The HPCA course covers performance measurement, pipelining, and improved parallelism through various means.
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      Develop Feature-Rich Android Apps with the Kotlin Programming Language.
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        Learn to build powerful and effective solutions with ease with Microsoft Power Platform. Created in partnership with the Microsoft Power Platform team, this course will introduce you to efficient low-code solutions for data analytics, app development, and artifical intelligence.
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          Master JavaScript, the most popular programming language in the world. Be equipped for advanced roles in web development, server-side application development, and desktop development.
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            Master the Swift programming language, and create a portfolio of iOS apps for iPhone and iPad to showcase your skills!
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              Go on a journey through psychological concepts and principles to enable you to gain a more in-depth understanding of human thought and behavior.
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                In this short class you'll build powerful apps without writing code. Great if you're an aspiring developer or someone who wants to learn what programmers do.
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                  With this course, you will learn about AutoLayout and how to use stack views and constraints to create pixel-perfect UIs.
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                    Learn the importance of code organization and how to implement it with either vanilla JavaScript or an organizational library or framework.